MIXPAK format, our exclusive packaging with many advantages over conventional sachet: Unstable combinations, long shelf life, reduces costs ... Comfortable, practical and hygienic. Multiple possible combinations. We adjust content, measures and capacity to your needs
Universal monodose format for all types of finished product and ready to use. Comfortable, practical and hygienic. We adjust content, measures and capacity to your needs, from 0.1 to 500gr
Double format for all types of finished products and ready to use. Comfortable, useful and hygienic. We adjust content, measures and capacity to your needs, from 0.1 to 500gr
Bottle format for all types of finished products, usually liquids. Comfortable, useful and clean. We adjust content, measures and capacity to your needs, from 0.1 to 500gr
Face mask in mixpak system ready to use. Thanks to the mixpak system, it does not dry out and increases its shelf life enormously. Comfortable, useful and hygienic. We adjust content, measures and capacity to your requirements.
Stick format for all types of products. Comfortable, useful and hygienic. We adjust content, measures and capacity to your requirements.
Universal single dosage format for gel and liquids. Comfortable, practical and hygienic. We adjust content, measures and capacity to your needs, from 0.1 to 500ml
Wipe in mixpak system ready to use. Thanks to the mixpak system, it does not dry out and increases its shelf life enormously. Comfortable, useful and hygienic. We adjust content, measures and capacity to your needs.
Sachet with double deposit isolated for all kinds of combinations liquid, powder, gel, grain. Comfortable, useful and clean. We adjust content, measures and capacity to your requirements.
Plastic bottle with stopper or spray. Comfortable, useful and hygienic. We adjust content, measures and capacity to your needs.
Metal or plastic canister. Comfortable, practical and hygienic. We adjust content, measures and capacity to your needs.
Boat with airtight operculum. Metallic or plastic. Comfortable, useful and hygienic. We adjust content, measures and capacity to your needs.
Normal or heat sealed. Plastic. We adjust content, measures and capacity to your needs.
We adjust content, measures and capacity to your requirements.
Paper and plastic. 1, 5, 10 and 25Kg. We adjust content, measures and capacity to your needs.
We adjust content, measures and capacity to your requirements.
We adjust content, measures and capacity to your requirements.
Our quality deparment and our laboratory, accredited by the official organizations, work following the most safe quality standards.
Innovation Health & Feeding | |
Nutraingredients 2016 | |
París Innovation 2015 | |
CAPSA feeding cia |
CIIP-20231018 This project has been funded by program EUROSTAR 3 with co-funding of CDTI and the program of investigation and innovation - Europe Horizon - of the european union
Subsidized by CDTI |
Proyecto financiado con subvenciones de fomento de la contratación indefinida y de las prácticas no laborales en la Región de Murcia, para jóvenes beneficiarios del Sistema Nacional de Garantía Juvenil y cofinanciada por el Fondo Social Europeo a través del Programa Operativo de Empleo Juvenil