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* Contact: +34 902 008574 Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 14:00 (CET)

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The contents in this website are property of MIXPAK SYSTEM S.L. (Avda. Rambla de la Santa 16 bajo - 30850 - TOTANA, MURCIA, SPAIN). It is absolutely forbbiden to copy or distribute any of these containts without prior authorization. 
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Any stock or availability of the products which are shown on this website is not insured. To confirm it, please contact us directly through the contact page or by phone (*).
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 Quality & Trust

Our quality deparment and our laboratory, accredited by the official organizations, work following the most safe quality standards.

Proyecto financiado por:
Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional
"One way for building Europe"


Innovation Health & Feeding
Nutraingredients 2016
París Innovation 2015
CAPSA feeding cia


 Contact us

Plgno. Ind. Las Salinas
Avda. Suecia esq. Avda. Grecia
  + 34 968 638 732
Fax. +34 968 418 054

Avda. Rambla de la Santa 16
  +34 968 418 215
Fax. +34 968 418 054
Email: mixpak

CIIP-20231018 This project has been funded by program EUROSTAR 3 with co-funding of CDTI and the program of investigation and innovation - Europe Horizon - of the european union

Subsidized by CDTI

Proyecto financiado con subvenciones de fomento de la contratación indefinida y de las prácticas no laborales en la Región de Murcia, para jóvenes beneficiarios del Sistema Nacional de Garantía Juvenil y cofinanciada por el Fondo Social Europeo a través del Programa Operativo de Empleo Juvenil


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