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COPACKER Custom-made packaging

All together find the solution

COPACKER > Custom-made packaging > respose to their necessities and according to their briefing. The perfect solution.

From original idea to the product is given to final customer, there is a hard and long path which achieves our aims or fail. Our facilities and our wide assorment of machinery, let us solve and carry through any peculiarity in the packing process of your product.

Collaborating each other, we'll be able to develop your idea, improve your packaging and and start the way of success.


Packaging developing is our strength and we have focused where from the beginning of Mix Pak, as well as building machinary able to achieve our requirements and necesities.

Materials had been checked and tested y authorised after several years of developing, always intending ensure the right progress of Mix System concept.

These requirements and necessities are that we offer to our customers in order to they can re-start their projects on stand-by and work togheter until finding the suitable packaging solution.

 Quality & Trust

Our quality deparment and our laboratory, accredited by the official organizations, work following the most safe quality standards.

Project funded by :
European Fund of Regional development "One way for building Europe"
Expdte. 2023.07.IPRO.0177
Expdte. 2023.07.LPCE.000104


Innovation Health & Feeding
Nutraingredients 2016
París Innovation 2015
CAPSA feeding cia


 Contact us

Plgno. Ind. Las Salinas
Avda. Suecia esq. Avda. Grecia
  + 34 968 638 732
Fax. +34 968 418 054

Avda. Rambla de la Santa 16
  +34 968 418 215
Fax. +34 968 418 054
Email: mixpak

CIIP-20231018 This project has been funded by program EUROSTAR 3 with co-funding of CDTI and the program of investigation and innovation - Europe Horizon - of the european union

Subsidized by CDTI

Proyecto financiado con subvenciones de fomento de la contratación indefinida y de las prácticas no laborales en la Región de Murcia, para jóvenes beneficiarios del Sistema Nacional de Garantía Juvenil y cofinanciada por el Fondo Social Europeo a través del Programa Operativo de Empleo Juvenil


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