ES | FR 


Mix Pak is an innovative company in procedures and services of packaging and product design. We have created a new concept of Sachet, Mix Pak, which provides a great added value to the product for the final customer. We provide a comprehensive project management system, led by a professional team with extensive experience in the food packaging sector, nutritional supplements and cosmetics.


Mixpak, is constantly working on the development of innovative products and ideas in the market: peelable, mixpak system (Dual compartment pouch), nitrogen, vacuum, etc. and all these developments are treated confidentially until the time of completion and departure to the market .


“Si esta buscando el mejor colaborador, capaz de llevar a cabo su proyecto, alguien que le garantice un servicio y calidad inmejorables, nosotros somos su equipo. Nuestras instalaciones, la amplia gama de maquinaria y el equipo humano, podemos llevas a cabo y resolver cualquier peculariedad, innovación y detalle en el envasado y empaquetado de su producto.”


The commitment is to provide an integral and personalized service, with a complete proposal of commercial solutions that adapt to the market and the target public. A personalized attention to your needs, focusing on the service, quality product and delivery times..

 Quality & Trust

Our quality deparment and our laboratory, accredited by the official organizations, work following the most safe quality standards.

Project funded by :
European Fund of Regional development "One way for building Europe"
Expdte. 2023.07.IPRO.0177
Expdte. 2023.07.LPCE.000104


Innovation Health & Feeding
Nutraingredients 2016
París Innovation 2015
CAPSA feeding cia


 Contact us

Plgno. Ind. Las Salinas
Avda. Suecia esq. Avda. Grecia
  + 34 968 638 732
Fax. +34 968 418 054

Avda. Rambla de la Santa 16
  +34 968 418 215
Fax. +34 968 418 054
Email: mixpak

CIIP-20231018 This project has been funded by program EUROSTAR 3 with co-funding of CDTI and the program of investigation and innovation - Europe Horizon - of the european union

Subsidized by CDTI

Proyecto financiado con subvenciones de fomento de la contratación indefinida y de las prácticas no laborales en la Región de Murcia, para jóvenes beneficiarios del Sistema Nacional de Garantía Juvenil y cofinanciada por el Fondo Social Europeo a través del Programa Operativo de Empleo Juvenil


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